Shot list – What are we going to film + Hire form for camera

The scene inside the house: The most prominent angle will be behind the 2 characters that will be present (The kid and his grandmother), the focus will be on the kid watching the tv that is showcasing racist images and moving pictures such as black face etc. The grandmother will be sleeping and be unaware of what the kid is watching, symbolising the uncontrollability of the situation that is happening and what the kid will become from this situation.

The scene at the park: To set the location we will use establishing shots to showcase the park and the characters in it. There will still be a focus on the kid by making the kid look different in terms of his facial expressions and body language to the other kids; who will be having fun playing and socialising with each other.

The scene of the kid walking alone: The kid will be walking alone down a street with a sad expression on his face (If the weather is bad then that’ll be a bonus). This scene showcases how the kid is and introvert and closes himself off to other people, because he feel likes he doesn’t understand them/ they don’t understand him.

The scene in the classroom: To set the location again we will use establishing shots to showcase the atmosphere of the classroom and what all the characters are doing. To differentiate the main kid in terms of his situation, he will be obnoxious to everybody and will be closed off to himself, until a paper aeroplane hits him and triggers him. A lot of close ups of the kid’s face will be used to fully show how he is feeling in terms of him being angry.

The scene where the kid researches Pro-Racism: In this scene the focus will be on the computer screen that the kid is using to research pro-racism things such as white supremacy etc. There will be close-ups of the computer screen, the keyboard and the kid’s face which will edited and cut together.

The scene where the kid joins the law enforcement: This scene will be used to shows the authority and power the kid (now an adult police officer) over people now, even over his grandmother; this is displayed by the police officer standing atop of the stairs while the grandmother is looking up at him, looking proud (High and Low angles will be used).

The scene where a innocent kid gets killed: This scene will take place in a isolated area (this means it could be in a indoor or outdoor area). The prominent shots that will be used will be the over-the-shoulder shot and the 30 degree rule to signify them having an conversation with each other. The kid (now a adult police officer) gets forced  to apprehend a kid who allegedly is doing something wrong, The police officer not knowing his own strength kills the kid. Close-ups of the officer’s face will be shown to exhibit the shock but blankness in the officer’s eyes and facial expression.

The scene where it recaps back to the start (Inside the house): This will start from zooming into the police officer’s eyes to zooming out from the kid’s eyes (Only if it will make sense in terms of eye colour). It will be like the first scene with the angle being behind the 2 characters; the kid and the grandmother but what is shown on the TV is different in terms of it now being about anti-racism. This will symbolise how people are not born racist but are influenced and brain-washed into becoming racist.


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