Progression (Unit 9)

My CV:

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Future Progression Routes:

Staffordshire University – Digital Marketing

Screen Shot 2019-05-17 at 11.24.34At Staffordshire University, They offer a DMI certified Digital Marketing Professional Diploma, suitable for people with or without marketing experience. Whether you’re a marketing executive, manager, senior manager or IT manager business owner, this course will help you understand and develop future digital marketing strategies.

How to apply – Before applying it would be a good idea to go to an open event, so you can see for yourself if the University itself is for you. Read through the description that the course’s website gives and take in the information. With University courses, one main course can branch out into different types of the the same course, so make sure the course you’re looking at is the right one.

Indeed (Any job website)  Digital Marketing Apprenticeship

Screen Shot 2019-05-17 at 11.26.51To be in a apprenticeship, you have to have the passion for Marketing and have a good understanding of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. you need to be hard working, reliable and creative. If you are all these things, this role could be for you.

How to apply – Click on the desired job, read through the descriptions so you know information about the job you want to apply for, press the apply button and start filling out all the necessary information on the designated website.



Digital Marketing Internship – Bright Network

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Bright Network is a high-growth media-technology platform that works exclusively with 190,000+ of the brightest graduates and undergraduates in the UK and Europe. They’re on a mission to connect our members with exceptional job opportunities, remarkable organisations, and exclusive networking events to help them get noticed in their careers.

How to apply – Read through the information the website is giving you, so you can understand the internship more and see if its for you. There are going to be mostly likely 4 different types of internships you can apply for. Pick your desired one and fill the employer’s application form.



Music Video Pitch and Presentation


  •  We provided enough details to support the point of the presentation.
  • We were organised with knowing when the next person speaks and when music/videos needs to start playing.
  • We didn’t get asked questions, so we must have covered all the main bases.


  • Most of the time we were looking down on our paper and reading it out, instead of speaking in our own words.
  • Sometimes the audio was low, suggesting that the speakers weren’t speaking loud enough.


  • Sales, marketing, public relations and teaching are just some of the careers which often request that candidates prepare a presentation to deliver live during the job interview.
  • This is good practise for if I need to do a presentation because they are becoming a staple in more senior roles across industries.


  • Stuttering – With practise and taking your time, this shouldn’t be a consistent problem.
  • The audience not asking questions – Answering questions will further solidify your understanding of your own idea.

How to answer common interview questions and answers

  1. Can you tell me a little about yourself? – This is not an invitation to recite your entire life story or even to go bullet by bullet through your resume. Instead, it’s probably your first and best chance to pitch the hiring manager on why you’re the right one for the job.
  2. How did you hear about the position? – This is actually a perfect opportunity to stand out and show your passion for and connection to the company.
  3. What do you know about the company? – Start with one line that shows you understand the company’s goals, using a couple key words and phrases from the website, but then go on to make it personal.
  4. Do you have any questions for us? – It’s your opportunity to sniff out whether a job is the right fit for you. What do you want to know about the position? The company? The department? The team?

Interview techniques:

  • Dress up for success – dress up smart/causal with simple colours that also fit where you want to get hired.
  • Improve your interview skills – become comfortable with interacting and being able to voice your thoughts towards the interviewer.
  • Get ready for the common questions and know how to answer them.
  • Make sure to smile towards the interviewer so it comes across as you being friendly and relaxed.
  • Research your potential employer so it can help you tailer your responses and to show you are keen.


Body Language during interviews

  • Shaking hands before and after the interview is important. Give the interview a firm handshake, smile and look him/her in the eye.
  • Don’t move around when you’re being interviewed, it will look like you are nervous/impatient. Keep both feet planted firmly on the floor to avoid the temptation.
  • Don’t slouch in your chair, you will look too relaxed/you don’t want to portray a not bothered attitude.
  • Make eye contact – This is the best way to show you’re actually paying attention and engaging with the situation.

Self-help videos that I watched

How to prepare for a job interview:

How to answer the common questions asked in job interviews:

Jobs that I’m are interested in doing a mock interview for


Content Producer

Digital Marketer

Social Media Manager

Video Editor

Radio/TV Presenter


Our Job – Junior Content Producer/BBC

BBC-The-British-Broadcasting-CompanyWho do junior content producers do? – They are responsible for developing and creating content that can be used across a variety of media including digital, social media, broadcast or in print.

Why would you want to be a junior content producer? – To gain experience from a young age in a position you interested in doing the job as a senior.

What does a BBC Content Producer do? – Reporting to the Daily Content Editor, you will primarily be responsible for delivering digital content for BBC Three on a daily basis and contributing to the development of new output.

How to be the correct candidate – The successful candidate will have a full understanding of BBC’s Audience and Brand: a passion for developing new and innovative content and the ability to translate that passion into day to day work and relationships with and develop of others.

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These are some of the questions we were asked during the mock interview

Mock Job Interview Video

As the mock interview officially began, I remembered to greet the interviewer by maintaining eye contact and giving a strong handshake. I made sure that I started with the eye contact so that it is a consistent representation of being focused and paying attention. The Interviewer began asking his questions and I made sure to remember how to answer his questions because, some of them were the common interview questions that I researched about. I had to keep in mind that I was specifically applying for BBC, so I maintained their interests and requirements.

Week 6 of my Progress Journal (Connecting to my FMP Unit)